Trevigiani Phonix Hemus 1896 protagonist on the streets of International Tour of Faith Sultan Mehmet in Turkey. In yesterday stage Bulgarian Stanimir Cholakovended 11th, while today at Istanbul Spanish Manuel Peñalver took the 3rd place in the sprint, excellently launched by the Panamanian team mate Cristopher Jurado. Beautiful action of Argentinian Nicolas Tivani, who attempted an interesting attack in the final, but was caught up by the group one kilometer from the finish line.
After the trip to Turkey, Sunday April 1st the team from Treviso will celebrate Easter divided between 70th Trofeo Piva at Col San Martino (TV) and Gp Adria Mobil in Slovenia. Following, on Monday in the calendar there is Giro del Belvedere at Cordignano (TV) and Tuesday Palio del Recioto at Negrar (VR).