Team Trevigiani Phonix Hemus 1896 spent the Easter holidays racing. Sunday, April 1st, the team was protagonist at 70th Trofeo Piva of Col San Martino (TV), where Fabio Mazzucco was catch from the group a kilometer from the finish line after an interesting attack, and at Gp Adria Mobil in Slovenia, which Nicolas Tivani finished 8th. On Easter Monday the youngsters of president Barzi disputed Giro del Belvedere in Cordignano (TV) and today they took part in Palio del Recioto in Negrar (VR), collecting the seventh place with Alessandro Fedeli. The calendar now includes Trofeo Edil C, scheduled for next Saturday in Collecchio (PR), for Fabio Mazzucco, Alessandro Fedeli, Filippo Zana, Adrian Vargas e Abderrahim Zahiri. On the same date, with the Spanish national team, Manuel Peñalver will be at the start of the prestigious Under 23 Tour of Flanders, valid test for the category UCI Nations Cup.
in the photo ©BettiniPhoto Alessandro Fedeli